Areas of Expertise
Neuroscience, autism, schizophrenia/depression.
Areas of Expertise
Neuroscience, autism, schizophrenia/depression.
Areas of Expertise
Cognitive and social neuroscience, perception of social agents, face processing, human neuroscience methods.
Areas of Expertise
Animal physiology, salt and water balance physiology, science writing
Areas of Expertise
Neurobiology, mechanisms of perception and reaction to stimuli, physiological and anatomical bases of gustation (taste) in insects, metabolic physiology.
Areas of Expertise
Cognitive psychology, methods in cognitive psychology.
Areas of Expertise
Neurodevelopment and genetics, synaptic remodeling, myelinating glia.
Areas of Expertise
Philosophy of perception, philosophy of science, epistemology, ancient philosophy.
Areas of Expertise
Adult development and aging; health psychology; identity development.