These requirements may be used by the classes of 2014, 2015 and 2016 to fulfill their neuroscience major and concentration requirements.
One selected biology course from the concentration list. (.5 unit)
Recommended courses:
One selected psychology course from the concentration list (below). (.5 unit)
One selected biology course from the concentration list (below) (.5 unit)
Two selected psychology courses from the concentration list. (1 unit)
NEUR 112/212 (.5 unit) Introduction to Neuroscience
NEUR 471 (.5 unit) Current Research Topics in Neuroscience
BIOL 115 Energy in Living Systems and BIOL 116 Information in Living Systems
CHEM 109 Neurochemistry (or CHEM 121 and 124/125 or CHEM 122 and 124/125)
NEUR 305 Behavioral Neuroscience
Biology courses
BIOL 243 Comparative Animal Physiology
BIOL 261 Animal Behavior
BIOL 263 Molecular Biology and Genomics
BIOL 321 Developmental Biology
BIOL 358 Neurobiology
BIOL 366 Cell Physiology
Chemistry courses
CHEM 231, 232 Organic Chemistry I, II
CHEM 256 Biochemistry
CHEM 341 Instrumental Analysis
Neuroscience courses
NEUR 302 Neuroethology and Comparative Psychology
NEUR 304 Neuropsychology
NEUR 307 Sensory Processes
NEUR 347 Psychopharmacology
Psychology courses
PSYC 301 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 303 Learning and Motivation
Anthropology courses
ANTH 111 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH 321 Evolution and Human Evolution