A law and society concentrator at Kenyon, Emma is now the Iowa digital director for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign…
As a summer legal scholar, Wanufi Teshome '16 researched digital activism with Kenyon professors.
The Law and Society Summer Seminar is a week long, intensive mini-conference in undergraduate legal studies.
Summer Legal Scholars seek answers to the question: "Why Law."
The Law & Society Summer Seminar, an intensive mini-conference in undergraduate legal studies, will take place June 5-10, 2017.
Kenyon's law and society concentration is an acknowledgment of the increasing importance within the best liberal-arts institutions of programs that emphasize the study of law, legal institutions, and the legal profession.
This program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive, coherent curricular structure within which to examine a plethora of law-related issues that emerge across disciplines and for which these various disciplines seek, if not to find the correct answers about law, to ask appropriate questions.