Jennifer Johnson, Chair
R. Todd Ruppert Professor of International Studies
Professor of Sociology
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Areas of Expertise
Modern Europe, especially Germany and Central/East Central Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; European Jewish and women's history; East European and German film and literature, socialism, war and revolution.
Areas of Expertise
Chinese religions, Japanese religions, Buddhism.
Areas of Expertise
Ecological economics, wildlife economics
Areas of Expertise
Foreign language pedagogy, linguistics, computer-assisted language instruction.
Areas of Expertise
Medieval art history, Asian art history.
Areas of Expertise
Experimental and behavioral economics, agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics.
Areas of Expertise
Chinese and inner-Asian history, comparative history of north Asia 11th-14th centuries, Mongol empire.
Areas of Expertise
African diaspora religions, religion in America, sociology of religion and Caribbean society and culture.
Areas of Expertise
Post-colonial literature(s) and theory, South Asian literature, Canadian diasporic writing.
Areas of Expertise
Historical archaeology, colonialism, material culture
Areas of Expertise
Literary translation and translation studies, Spanish American poetry, and contemporary Spanish-Caribbean literatures and cultures.
Areas of Expertise
Islamic history, history of Central Eurasia, Ottoman history, women and gender in Islamic history.
Areas of Expertise
Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Spanish literature, science and literature, theory of the novel, Islam and Spain, world literature.
Areas of Expertise
Macroeconomics, macroeconometrics.
Areas of Expertise
International relations, international criminal tribunals, transitional justice, human rights, civil wars, international organizations and United States foreign policy.
Areas of Expertise
Chinese politics, Chinese rural development, political economy of development, women in politics, globalization.
Areas of Expertise
Postcolonial studies, critical theory, transnational studies.
Areas of Expertise
Cultural identity formation and contestation, global and local dynamics of mass media, media ethnography, reception studies, indigenous modes of (self-re)presentation, subject-generated imagery, life history, Native North America, Southeast and East Asia.
Areas of Expertise
Immigration. Latin American politics. Global poverty.
Areas of Expertise
Nineteenth-century German-Jewish literature.
Areas of Expertise
Creative writing in Spanish, Spanish American poetry and essays, literature of the Cuban Revolution, Latin American film.
Areas of Expertise
Archaeology, Mesoamerica, politics, trade, history of theory.
Areas of Expertise
History of India and South Asia, Indian politics, globalization and migration, transnational communities.
Areas of Expertise
Archaeology, Mesoamerica, settlement patterns, ceramics, women in Latin America, ancient and modern Maya cultures.
Areas of Expertise
Sociology of development, comparative and historical methods, social change, political regimes, class formation, the Philippines and Latin America.
Areas of Expertise
Southern Africa, colonialism, history of religion.
Areas of Expertise
Modern and contemporary art, Chinese art history.