Minium*, S.; Bash*, R.; Shanbhag*, P.; Kerkhoff, A. J.; Itagaki, H. 2008. The scaling of growth, nutrient assimilation and metabolism in larval hawkmoths raised on natural and artificial diets. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Frutiger, A.E.*; Holdener, J.A.; Itagaki, H. 2008. The calculation of the body surface areas of Manduca sexta larvae using serial sections followed by image reconstruction and the creation of parametric body surface models. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Boylan* A.C., Melbarbe* A., Stearns* M.H., Vreede* A.P., Hartlaub B.A., Gillen C.M., Itagaki H. 2006. Detailed analyses of metabolic rates during larval development in Manduca sexta. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
Stearns* M.H., Thombre* R.M., Gillen C.M., Itagaki H. 2005. The metabolic rates and the expression of a cation-chloride cotransport protein during development in larval Manduca sexta. Integrative and Comparative Biology.