Art history courses encourage an understanding of material culture and the promotion of critical thought in a liberal arts framework. Art history students draw from an interdisciplinary base, exploring a wide range of objects, images, and architecture within a broad cultural and historical context. At Kenyon, courses range from ancient through contemporary art and architecture, Asian art and Islamic art.
Field trips are a regular part of advanced art history classes at Kenyon. Classes have visited the Columbus Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Detroit Art Institute, various private collections and more. The Art History Association also organizes field trips for art history majors and minors.
Kenyon students take the opportunity to engage in a unique program based in Rome, with extended visits to Florence, Naples and other cultural centers in Italy. The Kenyon-Rome Program offers students an exceptional opportunity to study Italian art and culture first-hand with Kenyon professors. Open to all Kenyon students with junior standing, regardless of major.